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flower garden with stone edger design

About Us

Make-A-Garden is a New York City licensed & insured gardener  and landscaping company specialized in lawns, yard and garden improvement. Other services include Technical advisory and consultancy in planning, designing, and implementing property and home improvement work such as remodeling, stairways, fences, planters, dry wells, retainers, patios, decks, and low-risk stonework such as  yard and driveway paver installation and maintenance projects.


Make-A-Garden is committed to environmental protection and conservation. Our work is performed extensively by hand, and minimal use of small electric equipment where efficiency is optimal with their uses. our services involves the use of natural materials. No uses or minimal uses of chemicals as may be limited to cases where the customer may request the material and such request are required to be by customers who are informed of the facts of such uses and the nature of the chemical(s) to be used. However, we understand that for various reasons such as durability, safety, and beauty, the use of other materials may be an option. 

We are also committed to our customers. The work we perform, and the price we charge must be an exchange of reasonable value, but the customer must get the grater benefit at all times. Likewise, the work we perform and the service we provide must meet the customer's particular need(s) and we strive aways exceed the customer's expectations as professionals entrusted with the customers decision not to do the work themselves or someone else but instead assign the task to us. For this we are always humbled and highly appreciative.  


Our services don't end here,  we try to take it further. When we work and get paid, we take some of the proceeds to underserved communities. We invest in economically deprived neighborhoods. We embark on community renewal services. We identify locations that are overrun  with rodents, domestic refuse, and in some cases toxic materials that are hazardous to children and the elderly. We conduct cleanup services to restore healthy surroundings for all, and help in the process of making more low-income community housing available.  

See Our Reviews

Plant Care and Landscaping Services



* The estimate offer applies only to residential property project customers (third parties, contractors, commercial projects not included). Free Consultations appliy to Make-A-Garden customers only; Free Cuts relates to free labor only - use of vehicle and supplies charged   

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